
_MS-Excel SEARCH関数は、文字列内の部分文字列またはsearch_textの最初の文字の位置を返します。この関数は、検索中に大文字と小文字を区別しません。 FINDとは異なり、SEARCHでは疑問符(?)やアスタリスク()などのワイルドカード文字を使用できます。疑問符(?)は任意の単一文字に一致し、アスタリスク()は任意の文字シーケンスに一致します。




image 1 We have dummy data in column A. Column B contains the text which we will search for. And column C has the starting position of the search. And, here in column D, we will enter the SEARCH function.

image 2 1st Example:- In the first example, we will search “AGE” in cell A7.

image 3 Follow the steps given below:- Enter the function in cell C7 =SEARCH(“AGE”,A7,1)

  • Enterキーを押します

image 4 It returns to 1 because “SEARCH” is looking from the first character, and it found AGE beginning from the 1st character. So it gives us 1 here. 2nd Example:- In this example, we will search for “C” and we give the starting number as zero or negative number as the starting position.

image 5 Follow the steps given below:- Enter the function in cell C8 =SEARCH(“c”,A8,-1), Press Enter

image 6 The Function has returned #VALUE error because neither negative nor 0 can be the starting position. 3rd Example:- In this example, we will show you what if we have to find the text which is there multiple times in the string.

image 7 Follow the steps given below:- Enter the function in cell C9 =SEARCH(“o”,A9,5), Press Enter

image 8 The function has ignored the “o” which is at 4th position and the function returns to 9 as the position. Because it ignored the first “o” and started looking from 5th character onwards.

ただし、文字列の全体的な位置を返します。 4 ^ th ^例:-この例では、セルA10内のワイルドカード文字の位置を検索します。

image 9 Follow the steps given below:- First we’ll look for () asterisk sign, enter the function in cell C10 =SEARCH(“”,A10,1), Press Enter

image 10 The function has returned 1, because we cannot find any wildcard without using tilde. As we use tilde (~) as a marker to indicate that the next character is a literal, we will insert (~) tilde before (*) asterisk.

この関数を入力してください= SEARCH( “〜”、A10,1)

  • 位置として16を返すようになりました

image 11 We can also look for question mark:- Enter the function in same cell C10 =SEARCH(“~?”,A10,1), Press Enter

image 12 We can see that function gave us “37” as the position of (?) question mark. 5th Example:- In this example, we’ll learn how to enter SEARCH function to search “?of?”.

image 13 Follow the steps given below:- Enter the function in cell C11 =SEARCH(“?of?”,A11,1)

  • Enterキーを押します

image 14 We scan to see that function has returned 6 because it matches “soft” which is present in the mid of “Microsoft Excel” string and hence the value is 6. Note:- (?) question mark wildcard denotes any single character. 6th Example:- In this example, we’ll learn another use of wildcard in SEARCH function.

image 15 Follow the steps given below:- Enter the function in cell C12 =SEARCH(“m*t”,A12,1)


  • Enterキーを押します

image 16 “Microsoft Excel” and it finds there is a string which starts with “M” and ends with “L”. No matter how many characters are there in between and hence it returns 1. Because (*)


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