Microsoft Excel에서 VBA를 사용하여 레지스트리를 사용하여 개인 프로필 문자열
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다음은 레지스트리의 개인 프로필 문자열에 쓰고 읽기위한 매크로 예제입니다.
' the examples below assumes that the range B3:B5 in the active sheet contains ' information about Lastname, Firstname and Birthdate Sub WriteUserInfoToRegistry() ' saves information in the Registry to ' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TESTAPPLICATION On Error Resume Next SaveSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Lastname", Range("B3").Value SaveSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Firstname", Range("B4").Value SaveSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Birthdate", Range("B5").Value On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub ReadUserInfoFromRegistry() ' reads information in the Registry from ' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TESTAPPLICATION Range("B3").Formula = GetSetting("TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Lastname", "") Range("B4").Formula = GetSetting("TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Firstname", "") Range("B5").Formula = GetSetting("TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Birthdate", "") End Sub ' the example below assumes that the range D4 in the active sheet contains ' information about the unique number Sub GetNewUniqueNumberFromRegistry() Dim UniqueNumber As Long UniqueNumber = 0 On Error Resume Next UniqueNumber = CLng(GetSetting("TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "UniqueNumber", "")) On Error GoTo 0 Range("D4").Formula = UniqueNumber + 1 SaveSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "UniqueNumber", Range("D4").Value End Sub Sub DeleteUserInfoFromRegistry() ' deletes information in the Registry from ' HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TESTAPPLICATION On Error Resume Next DeleteSetting "TESTAPPLICATION" ' delete all information 'DeleteSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal" ' delete one section 'DeleteSetting "TESTAPPLICATION", "Personal", "Birthdate" ' delete one key On Error GoTo 0 End Sub