


在ModuleSheet中以XL5 / 7输入以下代码,在常规模块中以XL8输入以下代码,将其分配给Button并运行它。


Sub NewVacation()

Dim rngFind As Range

Dim intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer, intCounter As Integer

intRow = 3

Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(intRow, 1))

For intMonth = Month(Cells(intRow, 2)) To Month(Cells(intRow, 3))

Set rngFind = Worksheets(Format(DateSerial(1, intMonth, 1), "mmmm")). _

Columns(1).Find _

(Cells(intRow, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

If intMonth = Month(Cells(intRow, 2)) And intMonth = _

Month(Cells(intRow, 3)) Then

For intCounter = Day(Cells(intRow, 2)) To Day(Cells(intRow, 3))

rngFind.Offset(0, intCounter).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

Next intCounter

ElseIf intMonth = Month(Cells(intRow, 2)) Then

For intCounter = Day(Cells(intRow, 2)) To Day(DateSerial _

(1, Month(Cells(intRow, 2)) + 1, 0))

rngFind.Offset(0, intCounter).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

Next intCounter


For intCounter = 1 To Day(Cells(intRow, 3))

rngFind.Offset(0, intCounter).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

Next intCounter

End If

Next intMonth

intRow = intRow + 1


End Sub