

Sub StuffTogether()

Dim FirstCol As Integer, FirstRow As Integer     Dim ColCount As Integer, RowCount As Integer     Dim ThisCol As Integer, ThisRow As Integer     Dim J As Integer, K As Integer     Dim MyText As String

FirstCol = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Column     FirstRow = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Row     ColCount = ActiveWindow.Selection.Columns.Count     RowCount = ActiveWindow.Selection.Rows.Count

For J = 1 To RowCount         ThisRow = FirstRow + J - 1         MyText = ""

For K = 1 To ColCount             ThisCol = FirstCol + K - 1             MyText = MyText & Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol).Text & " "

Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol).Value = ""

Next K         MyText = Trim(MyText)

Cells(ThisRow, FirstCol).Value = MyText     Next J End Sub



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