Leonid询问是否可以为页面的页眉或页脚设置背景颜色。简单的答案是Excel中没有这种功能。但是,有两种方法可以解决此问题。例如,如果您使用的是Excel 2002或Excel 2003,则可以将图形添加到页眉或页脚。使用正确的图形,实际上是包含颜色的图形时,可以使页眉和页脚看上去包含颜色。



例如,请考虑以下宏。假定您要在打印输出的左右两边留一英寸的边框,并且每页只希望打印46行。它设置边距,然后逐步浏览工作表,并根据需要添加伪造的页眉和页脚行。 (由于宏会调整工作表的设计,因此请确保在运行宏之前保存工作表。)

Sub FakeHeaderFooter()

Dim LHeader As String     Dim CHeader As String     Dim LFooter As String     Dim CFooter As String     Dim CBottom As Integer     Dim CRow As Integer     Dim PageSize As Integer          LHeader = "Top Left"

CHeader = "Top Center"

LFooter = "Bottom Left"

CFooter = "Bottom Center"

PageSize = 46

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup         .PrintTitleRows = ""

.PrintTitleColumns = ""

.PrintArea = ""

.LeftHeader = ""

.CenterHeader = ""

.RightHeader = ""

.LeftFooter = ""

.CenterFooter = ""

.RightFooter = ""

.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)

.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)

.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)

.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)

.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)

.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)

.PrintHeadings = False         .Orientation = xlPortrait     End With

CBottom = Range("A16000").End(xlUp).Row

CRow = 1     Do Until CRow > CBottom         If CRow Mod PageSize = 1 Then             Rows(CRow).Select             Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown             Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown             CBottom = CBottom + 2

Cells(CRow, 1).Value = LHeader             Cells(CRow, 4).Value = CHeader             Range(Cells(CRow, 1), _               Cells(CRow, 8)).Interior.ColorIndex = 34             Range(Cells(CRow + 1, 1), _               Cells(CRow + 1, 8)).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone             CRow = CRow + 2         ElseIf CRow Mod PageSize = PageSize - 1 Then             Rows(CRow).Select             Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown             Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown             CBottom = CBottom + 2

Cells(CRow + 1, 1).Value = LFooter             Cells(CRow + 1, 4).Value = CFooter             Range(Cells(CRow + 1, 1), _               Cells(CRow + 1, 8)).Interior.ColorIndex = 34             CRow = CRow + 2         Else             CRow = CRow + 1         End If     Loop

LastPageNumber = PageNumber + 1     LastRow = LastPageNumber * PageSize     If CBottom <> LastRow Then             Range(Cells(LastRow, 1), _               Cells(LastRow, 8)).Interior.ColorIndex = 34             Cells(LastRow, 1).Value = LFooter             Cells(LastRow, 4).Value = CFooter     End If

CBottom = Range("A16000").End(xlUp).Row

CRow = 2     Do Until CRow > CBottom         If CRow Mod PageSize = 1 Then             Cells(CRow, 1).PageBreak = xlManual         End If         CRow = CRow + 1     Loop End Sub




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本技巧(3056)适用于Microsoft Excel 97、2000、2002和2003。