数字格式快捷方式(Microsoft Excel)
Shortcut |
Effect |
Ctrl+Shift+~ |
General format |
Ctrl+Shift+! |
Number format with two decimal places and thousands separator |
Ctrl+Shift+$ |
Currency format with two decimal places and negatives in parentheses |
Ctrl+Shift+# |
Date format |
Ctrl+Shift+@ |
Time format with minutes and am/pm |
Ctrl+Shift+% |
Percentage format with no decimal places |
Ctrl+Shift+^ |
Scientific notation with two decimal places |
_ExcelTips_是您进行经济高效的Microsoft Excel培训的来源。
本技巧(2987)适用于Microsoft Excel 97、2000、2002和2003。可以在以下功能区中为Excel的功能区界面(Excel 2007及更高版本)找到本技巧的版本: