
似乎最好的解决方法是使用过时(但仍可用)的Excel 4函数来确定工作表中总打印页数。然后,您可以使用HPageBreaks和VPageBreaks集合来确定单元格在将要打印的页面矩阵中的位置。以下是利用这些项目的宏的示例:

Sub PageInfo()

Dim iPages As Integer     Dim iCol As Integer     Dim iCols As Integer     Dim lRows As Long     Dim lRow As Long     Dim x As Long     Dim y As Long     Dim iPage As Integer

iPages = ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)")

With ActiveSheet         y = ActiveCell.Column         iCols = .VPageBreaks.Count         x = 0         Do             x = x + 1         Loop Until x = iCols _           Or y < .VPageBreaks(x).Location.Column         iCol = x         If y >= .VPageBreaks(x).Location.Column Then             iCol = iCol + 1         End If

y = ActiveCell.Row         lRows = .HPageBreaks.Count         x = 0         Do             x = x + 1         Loop Until x = lRows _           Or y < .HPageBreaks(x).Location.Row         lRow = x         If y >= .HPageBreaks(x).Location.Row Then             lRow = lRow + 1         End If

If .PageSetup.Order = xlDownThenOver Then             iPage = (iCol - 1)  (lRows + 1) + lRow         Else             iPage = (lRow - 1)  (iCols + 1) + iCol         End If     End With     MsgBox "Cell " & ActiveCell.Address & _       " is on " & vbCrLf & "Page " & _       iPage & " of " & iPages & " pages"

End Sub

使用此宏应该记住的一件事是,仅当您在分页预览中查看工作表(“查看” |“分页预览”)时,才认为HPageBreaks和VPageBreaks集合是正确的。因此,在选择单元格并运行宏之前,您需要确保您处于该模式。



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本技巧(3135)适用于Microsoft Excel 97、2000、2002和2003。可以在以下功能区中为Excel的功能区界面(Excel 2007及更高版本)找到本技巧的版本: