
执行此任务的最佳方法取决于您使用的Excel版本。如果您使用的是Excel 2003,则只需使用Excel的“查找和替换”工具进行更改。请按照下列步骤操作:

。按Ctrl + H。 Excel将显示“查找和替换”对话框的“替换”选项卡。



。单击“查找内容”行右侧的“格式”按钮。 Excel将显示“查找格式”对话框。

。确保显示“数字”选项卡。 (请参见图2。)



。单击“替换为”行右侧的“格式”按钮。 Excel将显示“替换格式”对话框。







Sub FormatGeneral()

Dim iSht As Integer     Dim rng As Range

For iSht = 1 To Sheets.Count         Set rng = Worksheets(iSht).UsedRange         With rng             .NumberFormat = "General"

End With     Next End Sub


Sub CurrencyToGeneral()

Dim iSht As Integer     Dim rng As Range     Dim c As Range

For iSht = 1 To Sheets.Count         For Each c In Worksheets(iSht).UsedRange.Cells             If c.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" Then                 c.NumberFormat = "General"

End If         Next c     Next End Sub


Public Sub UpdateFormats()

Dim rFind As Range     Dim rReplace As Range     Dim rNextCell As Range     Dim sNewFormat As String     Dim sOldFormat As String     Dim ws As Worksheet

On Error Resume Next

' Determine the old format     Do         Set rFind = Application.InputBox( _           prompt:="Select a cell that uses the format " & _           "for which you want to search", _           Type:=8)

If rFind Is Nothing Then             If MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then                 Exit Sub             ElseIf InStr(1, rFind.Address, ":", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then                 MsgBox "Please select only one cell."

Set rFind = Nothing             End If         End If     Loop Until Not rFind Is Nothing     sOldFormat = rFind.NumberFormat

' Determine the new format     Do         Set rReplace = Application.InputBox( _           prompt:="Select a cell using the new format", _           Type:=8)

If rReplace Is Nothing Then             If MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then                 Exit Sub             ElseIf InStr(1, rReplace.Address, ":", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then                 MsgBox "Please select only one cell."

Set rReplace = Nothing             End If         End If     Loop Until Not rReplace Is Nothing     sNewFormat = rReplace.NumberFormat

' Do the replacing     For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets         For Each rNextCell In ws.UsedRange             If rNextCell.NumberFormat = sOldFormat Then                 rNextCell.NumberFormat = sNewFormat             End If         Next rNextCell     Next ws     MsgBox "The selected format has been changed."

End Sub

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