

Sub DoCamera()

Dim MyPrompt As String     Dim MyTitle As String     Dim UserRange As Range     Dim OutputRange As Range

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

'Prompt user for range to capture     MyPrompt = "Select the range you would like to capture."

MyTitle = "User Input Required"

On Error Resume Next     Set UserRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:=MyPrompt, _         Title:=MyTitle, Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8)

If UserRange Is Nothing Then End     On Error GoTo 0

'Copy range to Clipboard as picture     UserRange.CopyPicture

'Prompt user for range to paste to     MyPrompt = "Select the range on which you would like to paste."

MyTitle = "User Input Required"

On Error Resume Next     Set OutputRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:=MyPrompt, _         Title:=MyTitle, Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8)

If OutputRange Is Nothing Then End     On Error GoTo 0

'Paste picture to output range     OutputRange.PasteSpecial     Selection.Formula = UserRange.Address End Sub


粘贴后,宏的最后一行是使“照片”动态化的关键,就像使用“摄影机”工具手动进行的操作一样。 PasteSpecial命令实际上粘贴图片,并且粘贴的图片保持选中状态。设置所选内容(图片)的Formula属性会导致图形的动态性质。



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