在本文中,您将学习: MS-Excel中的功能键的重要性__功能键与修饰键(Ctrl,Alt,Shift)组合使用 * 键附加键 功能键充当MS-Excel中的预定义公式。这些是简单的快捷方式,使我们轻松使用MS-Excel。

有趣的事实: 1984年以前,仅使用了10个功能键(F1至F10)。后来又添加了两个,现在我们有12个功能键。



Function key



“F1” is used for opening “Excel Help”. As you click on F1 key

the excel help will get displayed. Here, you can ask the question /

query in the search box & inbuilt excel help will help you with the

related articles.


If you use “Alt and F1” Keys together then it will insert a

new chart in excel workbook. Excel will open the default chart, this can

be customize as per user requirement to open column chart, bar chart or

any other chart by default.

Ctrl + F1

To minimize or maximize the ribbon of excel we can use

“Ctrl & F1” keys together. After minimizing the ribbon only tab names

will get displayed on the ribbon.

Alt + Shift + F1

Pressing Alt + Shift + F1 keys together will insert

a new worksheet into the active workbook in which you are currently


Ctrl + Shift + F1

It will hide ribbon & their commands. This will

maximize excel window if it is restore mode.




image 1

b)Alt + F1

选择我们要插入图表的数据。按Alt + F1 *柱形图将在同一张纸上创建

image 2

c)Ctrl + F1

按下Ctrl + F1键,命令将从功能区中隐藏起来,并且只有“主”选项卡可见

image 3

d)Alt + Shift + F1按Alt + Shift + F1键,将插入新工作表

image 4

e)Ctrl + Shift + F1:-以下是使用Ctrl + Shift + F1的步骤打开工作表按下键Ctrl + Shift + F1 *选项卡和命令都将从功能区中隐藏


image 5


image 6


Function key



To Edit in the cell we use F2 keys


If you press “Alt + F2” keys together the “Save As” dialog

box will get open for saving the excel file.

Ctrl + F2

Pressing CTRL + F2 keys will open Print options

Shift + F2

Using Shift + F2 keys together will insert comment in the

active cell. You can also edit the existing comment by pressing Shift

F2 keys for selected cell.

Alt + Shift + F2

“Alt + Shift + F2” will save the active workbook,

if not saved yet then it will open Save as dialog box.

Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F2

These keys will open the print option; same

as “Ctrl + F2” keys.



image 7

| ===编辑单元格:-

image 8

另外,如果要限制直接在单元格中进行编辑,请按照以下步骤操作:-单击“文件”菜单,选择“选项”,然后选择“高级” *在“高级选项”中,如果要阻止用户直接在excel单元格中进行编辑,则可以取消选中标记(允许直接在单元格中进行编辑)&如果您希望直接编辑单元格,请确保选中复选标记

image 9


b)Alt + F2:

如果要保存为文档,请按Alt + F2键,另存为对话框将打开*然后,您可以在需要的位置保存文件

image 10

c)Ctrl + F2

如果要打印文档,则按Ctrl + F2将出现“打印”选项*您可以根据需要设置所有条件

image 11

d)Shift + F2

选择要在其中插入注释的单元格按Shift + F2 *现在,您可以在

image 12


e)Alt + Shift + F2


image 13

f)Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F2

此键也用于打印选项。在工作表中,按Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F2键将出现“打印”选项,您可以在其中根据需要设置所有条件

image 14


Function key



“F3” key will help you to paste name of the list that are already

created. F3 will not work if there is no such defined named range.

Ctrl + F3

Pressing “Ctrl + F3” keys together will open “Name

Manager” dialog box refer below screenshot.

Shift + F3

“Shift + F3” keys will open Insert function window which

you can insert any function of your choice.

Ctrl + Shift + F3

This will open the Create Names from Selection

window & are used to create names from row or column labels. You can

create names for the selected cells from 4 options i.e. from Top row,

Left column, Bottom row or Right column. The creation of named range

depends on user.


image 15


,F3将不起作用。 === b)Ctrl + F3

  • 名称管理器对话框出现

image 16

c)Shift + F3:

如果要插入功能,请按Shift + F3插入功能键,将出现对话框

image 17

d)Ctrl + Shift + F3

选择您要为其创建名称的范围按Ctrl + Shift + F3 *从“选择”窗口中创建名称将打开

image 18


Function key



“F4” key has two different functionalities: – 1st is References

(absolute, relative & mixed reference) & 2nd is It repeats the last

performed action. Though same can be achieved by using CTRL + Y keys


Using “Alt + F4” keys will display save changes dialog box

allowing you to save & then close or may be closing the file without

saving or selecting Cancel key to do nothing.

Ctrl + F4

With “Ctrl & F4” keys you can close the current open

workbook. It is similar to Close Window button on upper right corner of

the window.

Shift + F4

With “Shift + F4” keys work similar to CTRL + F command.

Alt + Shift + F4

“Alt + Shift + F4” keys will work same as “Alt

F4” keys i.e. close the active excel file & thereby closing all excel


Ctrl + Shift + F4

“Ctrl + Shift + F4” is similar to “Shift + F4” the

difference is the earlier will from right to left. It will search the

text or value or any character from right to left direction.

Alt + Ctrl + F4

“Alt + Ctrl + F4” keys work similar to “Alt + F4”

keys thereby closing all the open excel files.

Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F4

“Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F4” keys closes all

open excels i.e. these work similar to “Alt + F4” keys.



image 19

注意:它也会重复上一次执行的操作。尽管可以通过使用CTRL + Y键来实现相同的目的,例如:如果您将单元格加粗到整个行作为您的最后一个操作,并且您想加粗另一行,则可以使用F4键重复最后一步。

b)Alt + F4:我们使用Alt + F4键关闭文件,以下是使用该文件的步骤:-*按下Alt + F4键。

  • 在关闭文档之前,将显示消息框以供确认。

image 20


c)Ctrl + F4:我们使用Ctrl + F4键关闭文件:

按下Ctrl + F4键,将在关闭文档前显示对话框以供确认

image 21

注意:-此快捷键的执行方式与Alt + F4键的执行方式相同。

d)Shift + F4:我们使用Shift + F4键打开“查找和替换”选项:

当我们想在工作表中查找某物或要用其他文本替换某物时,我们可以使用它。按Sift + F4键*查找和替换对话框将出现

image 22

注意:“ Shift + F4”键的作用类似于CTRL + F命令。

e)Alt + Shift + F4:我们使用Alt + Shift + F4键与使用Alt + F4键相同。

f)Ctrl + Shift + F4:我们使用Ctrl + Shift + F4键与使用Shift + F4键相同。这也可以用作:

  • 在Excel中,如果我们要查找最后找到的文本,请按Ctrl + Shift + F4。

  • 无需打开“查找和替换”对话框即可选择单元格。

g)Alt + Ctrl + F4:“ Alt + Ctrl + F4”键的作用类似于“ Alt F4”键,通过关闭所有打开的excel文件。

h)Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F4:“ Alt + Ctrl + Shift + F4”键关闭所有打开的Excel文件,即,这些功能类似于“ Alt + F4”键。


Function key



“F5” key is used to display “Go To” dialog box; it will help you

in viewing named range.

Ctrl + F5

This will restore windows size of the current excel

workbook. When pressed again Ctrl + F5 will not do anything as the size

of the window is already restore.

Shift + F5

“Shift + F5” keys will open the “Find and Replace”



image 23

  • 去一个特定的单元;您需要做的就是在“参考”框中输入单元格E3,然后您将进入特定单元格

image 24

  • 在“转到”对话框中,我们可以使用“特殊”按钮浏览所有可用功能,例如注释,常量,公式,空格,当前区域,当前数组等

image 25

a)Ctrl + F5:如果要恢复当前窗口大小,只需按Ctrl + F5键即可恢复大小。b)Shift + F5:-“ Shift + F5”键将打开“查找和替换”窗口。

image 27


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