

将名称强制放入数据透视表的另一种方法是使用宏。您可以在宏中采用几种方法。一种方法是创建数据表,数据透视表将基于该数据表。在第一列中给数据表一个标题。 (标题的任何旧文本都可以,因为宏会覆盖它。)


Sub GetPVName()

Dim pvt As PivotTable     Dim PVName As String

' Get the PivotTable name from the ActiveSheet     ' If there are multiple PivotTables, this approach     ' ensures the macro will work with the last PivotTable     ' in the PivotTables collection     For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables         PVName = pvt.Name     Next pvt

' Put PivotTable name as a heading for the first     ' column of the data table     Range("Table1").Cells(0, 1) = PVName

' Refresh the PivotTable     ActiveSheet.PivotTables(PVName).PivotCache.Refresh

' Set the PivotTable name in the report filter     With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(PVName).PivotFields(PVName)

.Orientation = xlPageField         .Position = 1     End With End Sub

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本技巧(3233)适用于Microsoft Excel 2007、2010、2013和2016。