摆脱字母字符(Microsoft Excel)
Bryan的工作表中有很多单元格,其中包含一些字母字符。他正在寻找一种方法来消除那些字母字符,无论它们出现在单元格中的什么位置。例如,如果单元格包含“ ABC123”,则布莱恩希望摆脱“ ABC”
并且仅剩“ 123”。同样,“ A3B2C1”应变为“ 321”
Sub CleanText1() Dim rngCell As Range Dim intChar As Integer Dim strCheckString As String Dim strCheckChar As String Dim intCheckChar As Integer Dim strClean As String For Each rngCell In Selection strCheckString = rngCell.Value strClean = "" For intChar = 1 To Len(strCheckString) strCheckChar = Mid(strCheckString, intChar, 1) intCheckChar = Asc(strCheckChar) Select Case intCheckChar Case 65 To 90 'upper case chars 'Do nothing Case 97 To 122 'lower case chars 'Do nothing Case 128 To 151 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case 153 To 154 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case 159 To 165 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case Else strClean = strClean & strCheckChar End Select Next intChar rngCell.Value = strClean Next rngCell End Sub
Function CleanText2(ByVal sRaw As String) As String Dim intChar As Integer Dim strCheckString As String Dim strCheckChar As String Dim intCheckChar As Integer Dim strClean As String Application.Volatile strClean = "" For intChar = 1 To Len(sRaw) strCheckChar = Mid(sRaw, intChar, 1) intCheckChar = Asc(strCheckChar) Select Case intCheckChar Case 65 To 90 'upper case chars 'Do nothing Case 97 To 122 'lower case chars 'Do nothing Case 128 To 151 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case 153 To 154 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case 159 To 165 'special language chars 'Do nothing Case Else strClean = strClean & strCheckChar End Select Next intChar CleanText2 = strClean End Function
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