Manik有一个工作表,该工作表的A列中的文本值格式为“ mikeDAVIS”,该人的名字用小写字母,姓氏用大写字母。根据文本的情况,他希望将名称分为两个单独的列。



* (CODE(MID(A1,ROW($2:$255),1))<90),)+1,255)

请记住,由于这是一个数组公式,因此应按Ctrl + Shift + Enter进行输入。它返回找到的第一个大写字母开头的单元格中的所有内容。因此,在“ mikeDAVIS”中将返回“ DAVIS”,在“ mikeDavis”中将返回“ Davis”。假设您在单元格B1中使用了数组公式,则可以使用以下方法确定名字:




=LEFT(A1,MAX((CODE(MID(A$1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"& LEN(A1))),1))>96)*ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)))))



Function GetFirstUpper(MyCell As Range) As Integer     Dim sCellValue As String     Dim i As Integer

sCellValue = Trim(MyCell.Value)

i = 1     Do While (Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) > 90 _       Or Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) < 65) _       And i < Len(sCellValue) + 1         i = i + 1     Loop     If i > Len(sCellValue) Then         GetFirstUpper = 99     Else         GetFirstUpper = i     End If End Function





Function GetFirstName(MyCell As Range) As String     Dim sCellValue As String     Dim i As Integer

sCellValue = Trim(MyCell.Value)

i = 1     Do While (Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) > 90 _       Or Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) < 65) _       And i < Len(sCellValue) + 1         i = i + 1     Loop     If i > Len(sCellValue) Then         GetFirstName = sCellValue     Else         GetFirstName = Left(sCellValue, i - 1)

End If End Function

要使用该宏,您需要做的就是在工作表单元格中使用以下内容。 (这假定要评估的文本字符串在单元格A1中。)



Function GetLastName(MyCell As Range) As String     Dim sCellValue As String     Dim i As Integer

sCellValue = Trim(MyCell.Value)

i = 1     Do While (Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) > 90 _       Or Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) < 65) _       And i < Len(sCellValue) + 1         i = i + 1     Loop     If i > Len(sCellValue) Then         GetLastName = sCellValue     Else         GetLastName = Mid(sCellValue, i)

End If End Function


Function GetName(MyCell As Range, sWanted As String) As String     Dim sCellValue As String     Dim i As Integer

sCellValue = Trim(MyCell.Value)

i = 1     Do While (Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) > 90 _       Or Asc(Mid(sCellValue, i, 1)) < 65) _       And i < Len(sCellValue) + 1         i = i + 1     Loop     If i > Len(sCellValue) Then         GetName = sCellValue     Else         If LCase(sWanted) = "first" Then             GetName = Left(sCellValue, i - 1)

Else             GetName = Mid(sCellValue, i)

End If     End If End Function


=GetName(A1, "First")

以这种方式作为参数传递的单词“ First”将返回名字(第一个大写字母之前的所有内容)。作为第二个参数传递的任何其他字符串(例如“ Last”或“ xxx”或“ Rest”或什至“”)都将返回姓氏。



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