

Function SumNextYellow(ByVal r As Range)

Dim c As Range     Dim a As Double

For Each c In r         If c.Offset(0, -1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then 'Yellow             a = a + c.Value         End If     Next c     SumNextYellow = a End Function

该函数可以在工作表公式中使用,并接受范围引用作为参数。然后,它逐步遍历该范围内的每个单元格,如果左侧的单元格是黄色,则该值包括在总和中。 (您应注意,宏中使用的ColorIndex应该与您的Excel版本一起测试,以确保它适用;在不同版本中可能有所不同。)


Function ColorConditionSum(cSample As Excel.Range, rng As Excel.Range)

' This Function returns sum of values in rng.Columns(2) if ' corresponding cell in rng.Columns(1) is colored with sample ' color (cSample cell)

' Arguments: cSample = cell colored by sample color '            rng = cell range to be processed (2 columns)

Dim rngCol2 As Excel.Range     Dim rngConstants As Excel.Range     Dim rngFormulas As Excel.Range     Dim lColorIndex As Long     Dim MySum As Double     Dim area As Excel.Range     Dim c As Excel.Range

ColorConditionSum = False     If Not TypeOf cSample Is Excel.Range Then Exit Function '>>>     lColorIndex = cSample.Interior.ColorIndex

MySum = 0     Set rngCol2 = Nothing     If TypeOf rng Is Excel.Range Then         If rng.Columns.Count < 2 Then Exit Function '>>>         On Error Resume Next         For Each area In rng.Areas             If rngCol2 Is Nothing Then                 Set rngCol2 = area.Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1)

If rngCol2 Is Nothing Then                     Set rngCol2 = area.Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1)

Else                     Set rngCol2 = Application.Union( _                         rngCol2, area.Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1))

End If             Else                 Set rngCol2 = Application.Union( _                     rngCol2, area.Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1))

Set rngCol2 = Application.Union( _                     rngCol2, area.Columns(2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1))

End If         Next area

For Each area In rngCol2.Areas             For Each c In area.Cells                 With c.Offset(0, -1)

If .Interior.ColorIndex = lColorIndex Then                         MySum = MySum + c.Value                     End If                 End With             Next c         Next area     End If

ColorConditionSum = MySum End Function


=ColorConditionSum(A10, A12:B22)




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本技巧(11525)适用于Microsoft Excel 2007、2010、2013和2016。您可以在此处为Excel的较早菜单界面找到此技巧的版本:

链接:/ excel-Summing_Based_on_Formatting_in_Adjacent_Cells [基于相邻单元格中格式的汇总]。