




这是通过VBE使用菜单工具,引用…​来完成的。当VBProject引用了对象库时,您可以声明特定的对象变量(例如Dim oDoc As Word.Document)。这也将使对“外部对象”进行编程变得更加容易,因为VBE将显示与属性,方法和事件相同的编程帮助,以帮助显示属于您正在使用的应用程序的对象(VBE已自动添加了提前参考此应用程序)。


Sub OLEAutomationEarlyBinding()

' replace xxx with one of the following:

' Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint or Word

Dim oApp As xxx.Application ' early binding

Dim oDoc As xxx.Document

' Excel.Workbook, Outlook.MailItem, PowerPoint.Presentation, Word.Document

On Error Resume Next ' ignore errors

Set oApp = GetObject(, "xxx.Application")

' reference an existing application instance

If oApp Is Nothing Then ' no existing application is running

Set oApp = New xxx.Application ' create a new application instance

End If

On Error GoTo 0 ' resume normal error handling

If oApp Is Nothing Then ' not able to create the application

MsgBox "The application is not available!", vbExclamation

End If

With oApp

.Visible = True ' make the application object visible

' at this point the application is visible

' do something depending on the application...

Set oDoc = .Documents.Open("c:\foldername\filename.doc")

' open a document

'        ...

oDoc.Close True ' close and save the document

.Quit ' close the application

End With

Set oDoc = Nothing ' free memory

Set oApp = Nothing ' free memory

End Sub




如果您不添加对属于“外部”应用程序的对象库的引用,则必须声明常规对象变量(例如Dim oDoc As Object)。这将使编写“外来对象”变得更加困难,因为VBE将不会针对其为属于您正在使用的应用程序的对象显示的属性,方法和事件显示相同的编程帮助。


Sub OLEAutomationLateBinding()

' replace xxx with one of the following:

' Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint or Word

Dim oApp As Object ' late binding

Dim oDoc As Object ' late binding

On Error Resume Next ' ignore errors

Set oApp = GetObject(, "xxx.Application")

' reference an existing application instance

If oApp Is Nothing Then ' no existing application is running

Set oApp = CreateObject("xxx.Application")

' create a new application instance

End If

On Error GoTo 0 ' resume normal error handling

If oApp Is Nothing Then ' not able to create the application

MsgBox "The application is not available!", vbExclamation

End If

With oApp

.Visible = True ' make the application object visible

' at this point the application is visible

' do something depending on the application...

Set oDoc = .Documents.Open("c:\foldername\filename.doc")

' open a document

'        ...

oDoc.Close True ' close and save the document

.Quit ' close the application

End With

Set oDoc = Nothing ' free memory

Set oApp = Nothing ' free memory

End Sub