在Excel 5和95中,可以使用声音文件将注释附加到单元格上。通过打开用于编辑单元格注释的对话框可以播放此声音注释。


Sub PlaySoundNotesInExcel95(CellAddress As String)

' for Excel 5 and 95 only

If Not Application.CanPlaySounds Then Exit Sub

On Error Resume Next ' in case there is no soundnote


On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Excel 97或更高版本不再支持使用音符。


Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" _

Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _

ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

Sub PlayWavFile(WavFileName As String, Wait As Boolean)

If Dir(WavFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub ' no file to play

If Wait Then ' play sound before running any more code

sndPlaySound WavFileName, 0

Else ' play sound while code is running

sndPlaySound WavFileName, 1

End If

End Sub

Sub PlaySoundNotesInExcel97(CellAddress As String)

' workaround for playing sound notes in Excel 97 or later

Dim SoundFileName As String

SoundFileName = ""

On Error Resume Next ' an error occurs if the cell doesn't have a note

SoundFileName = Range(CellAddress).Comment.Text

On Error GoTo 0

If SoundFileName = "" Then Exit Sub ' no cell note

If InStr(1, SoundFileName, Chr(10)) > 0 Then ' the note contains a line-break

' use the first line as the filename

SoundFileName = Left(SoundFileName, InStr(1, SoundFileName, Chr(10)) - 1)

End If

PlayFileWav SoundFileName, False

End Sub



填写要在单元格注释的第一句话中播放的声音文件的完整文件名和路径,例如C:\ Foldername \ Soundfilename.wav。


宏PlaySoundNotesInExcel97可以由eventmacro Worksheet_SelectionChange()激活,这将在用户每次使用音符激活单元格时使音符播放。