


您可以通过打开Visual Basic编辑器(VBE)来添加引用并激活您的VB项目。然后,选择“工具,引用…​”,然后选中“ Microsoft Word x.x对象库”选项。



Function SetIniSetting(FileName As String, Section As String, _

Key As String, KeyValue) As Boolean

Dim wd As Word.Application

SetIniSetting = False

Set wd = New Word.Application ' create the Word application object

On Error Resume Next

wd.System.PrivateProfileString(FileName, Section, Key) = CStr(KeyValue)

On Error GoTo 0

Set wd = Nothing ' destroy the Word application object

SetIniSetting = True

End Function

使用这样的宏将值100保存在MySectionName部分的文件C:\ FolderName \ FileName.ini中,以保存键TestValue:

MyBooleanVar = SetIniSetting(“ C:\ FolderName \ FileName.ini”,“ MySectionName”,“ TestValue”,100)


TestValue = 100



Function GetIniSetting(FileName As String, Section As String, _

Key As String) As String

Dim wd As Word.Application

GetIniSetting = ""

Set wd = New Word.Application ' create the Word application object

On Error Resume Next

GetIniSetting = wd.System.PrivateProfileString(FileName, Section, Key)

On Error GoTo 0

Set wd = Nothing ' destroy the Word application object

End Function

使用这样的宏从文件C:\ FolderName \ FileName.ini返回MySectionName部分中的键TestValue的值:

MyStringVar = GetIniSetting("C:\FolderName\FileName.ini", _

"MySectionName", "TestValue")



Function SetRegistrySetting(Section As String, _

Key As String, KeyValue) As Boolean

Dim wd As Word.Application

SetRegistrySetting = False

Set wd = New Word.Application ' create the Word application object

On Error Resume Next

wd.System.PrivateProfileString("", Section, Key) = CStr(KeyValue)

On Error GoTo 0

Set wd = Nothing ' destroy the Word application object

SetRegistrySetting = True

End Function

使用这样的宏可将HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office8.0 \ Excel \ Microsoft Excel中的新值保存为键DefaultPath:

MyStringVar = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel"

MyBooleanVar = SetRegistrySetting(MyStringVar, _

"DefaultPath", "C:\FolderName")


Function GetRegistrySetting(Section As String, Key As String) As String

Dim wd As Word.Application

GetRegistrySetting = ""

Set wd = New Word.Application ' create the Word application object

On Error Resume Next

GetRegistrySetting = wd.System.PrivateProfileString("", Section, Key)

On Error GoTo 0

Set wd = Nothing ' destroy the Word application object

End Function


中读取值。从HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office8.0 \ Excel \ Microsoft Excel中:

MyStringVar = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel"

MyStringVar = SetRegistrySetting(MyStringVar, _
