
Sub CheckParens()

Dim WorkPara As String     Dim CheckP() As Boolean     Dim NumPara As Integer, J As Integer     Dim LeftParens As Integer, RightParens As Integer     Dim MsgText As String

NumPara = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count     ReDim CheckP(NumPara)

MsgText = "Unbalanced parens in the next paragraph"

For J = 1 To NumPara         CheckP(J) = False         WorkPara = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(J).Range.Text         If Len(WorkPara) <> 0 Then             LeftParens = CountChars(WorkPara, "(")

RightParens = CountChars(WorkPara, ")")

If LeftParens <> RightParens Then CheckP(J) = True         End If     Next J

For J = NumPara To 1 Step -1         If CheckP(J) Then             Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove             If J > 1 Then                 Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdParagraph, _                   Count:=(J - 1), Extend:=wdMove             End If             Selection.InsertParagraphBefore             Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1             Selection.Style = "Normal"

Selection.TypeText Text:=MsgText         End If     Next J End Sub

Private Function CountChars(A As String, C As String) As Integer     Dim Count As Integer     Dim Found As Integer

Count = 0     Found = InStr(A, C)

While Found <> 0         Count = Count + 1         Found = InStr(Found + 1, A, C)

Wend     CountChars = Count End Function




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