


相反,您需要创建一个宏来为您完成这项工作。您可能会认为,创建这样的宏将是一项简单的任务,即查看Word相信使用的样式,然后将其与定义的样式进行比较。这种方法的问题在于,VBA的InUse属性(适用于Style对象)用于多种目的。 InUse属性的正式定义是,如果满足以下两个条件之一,则为True:

  • 样式是已在文档中修改或应用的内置样式。

  • 样式是在文档中创建的用户定义样式。



Sub CreateStyleList()

Dim docThis As Document     Dim styItem As Style     Dim sBuiltIn(499) As String     Dim iStyBICount As Integer     Dim sUserDef(499) As String     Dim iStyUDCount As Integer     Dim sInUse(499) As String     Dim iStyIUCount As Integer     Dim iParCount As Integer     Dim J As Integer, K As Integer     Dim sParStyle As String     Dim bInUse As Boolean          ' Ref the active document     Set docThis = ActiveDocument          ' Collect all styles being used     iStyIUCount = 0     iParCount = docThis.Paragraphs.Count     iParOut = 0     For J = 1 To iParCount         sParStyle = docThis.Paragraphs(J).Style         For K = 1 To iStyIUCount             If sParStyle = sInUse(K) Then Exit For         Next K         If K = iStyIUCount + 1 Then             iStyIUCount = K             sInUse(iStyIUCount) = sParStyle         End If     Next J          iStyBICount = 0     iStyUDCount = 0     ' Check out styles that are "in use"

For Each styItem In docThis.Styles         'see if in those being used         bInUse = False         For J = 1 To iStyIUCount             If styItem.NameLocal = sInUse(J) Then bInUse = True         Next J         'Add to those not in use         If Not bInUse Then             If styItem.BuiltIn Then                 iStyBICount = iStyBICount + 1                 sBuiltIn(iStyBICount) = styItem.NameLocal             Else                 iStyUDCount = iStyUDCount + 1                 sUserDef(iStyUDCount) = styItem.NameLocal             End If         End If     Next styItem          'Now create the output document     Documents.Add          Selection.TypeText "Styles In Use"

Selection.TypeParagraph     For J = 1 To iStyIUCount         Selection.TypeText sInUse(J)

Selection.TypeParagraph     Next J     Selection.TypeParagraph     Selection.TypeParagraph          Selection.TypeText "Built-in Styles Not In Use"

Selection.TypeParagraph     For J = 1 To iStyIUCount         Selection.TypeText sBuiltIn(J)

Selection.TypeParagraph     Next J     Selection.TypeParagraph     Selection.TypeParagraph          Selection.TypeText "User-defined Styles Not In Use"

Selection.TypeParagraph     For J = 1 To iStyIUCount         Selection.TypeText sUserDef(J)

Selection.TypeParagraph     Next J     Selection.TypeParagraph     Selection.TypeParagraph End Sub




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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(1488)适用于Microsoft Word 97、2000、2002和2003。