


Public Sub MassReplace()

With Application.FileSearch         .LookIn = "C:\"             ' where to search         .SearchSubFolders = True    ' search the subfolders         .FileName = "*.doc"         ' file pattern to match

' if more than one match, execute the following code         If .Execute() > 0 Then             ' to display how many files this macro will access,             ' uncomment the next line of code '            MsgBox "Found " & .FoundFiles.Count & " file(s)."

' for each file you find, run this loop             For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count                 ' open the file based on its index position                 Documents.Open FileName:=.FoundFiles(i)

' search and replace the company name                 selection.Find.ClearFormatting                 selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting                 With selection.Find                     .Text = "OldCompanyName"

.MatchCase = True                     .Replacement.Text = "NewCompanyName"

End With                 selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

' replace street address                 With selection.Find                     .Text = "OldStreetAddress"

.Replacement.Text = "NewStreetAddress"

End With                 selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

' replace the City, State, and Zip code                 With selection.Find                     .Text = "OldCityStateAndZip"

.Replacement.Text = "NewCityStateAndZip"

End With                 selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

' save and close the current document                 ActiveDocument.Close wdSaveChanges             Next i         Else             ' if the system cannot find any files             ' with the .doc extension             MsgBox "No files found."

End If     End With End Sub



  • WordFisher(http://www.wordfisher.com/wf4.htm)

  • 单词搜索和替换(http://www.funduc.com/word_sr.htm)

  • InfoRapid搜索和替换(http://www.inforapid.com/html/searchreplace.htm)

  • MegaReplacer(http://www.editorium.com/14843.htm)

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