Shaune编写了一个宏,该宏可以将产品信息表打印到PDF编写器中。当他打印到PDF编写器时,宏将为其运行的系统重置默认打印机,以便当某人随后尝试定期打印(在宏完成后)时,Word仍假定用户要打印到该打印机。 PDF编写器。 Shaune正在为其宏寻找一种在不重置默认打印机的情况下临时使用PDF writer的方法。



Sub PrinterTechnique()

Dim sCurrentPrinter as String     Dim sPDFwriter as String

' perform whatever tasks need to be done prior to printing ' make sure you also initialize the sPDFwriter string with ' the name of your PDF writer

' save current printer name, then change to PDF writer     sCurrentPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter     Application.ActivePrinter = sPDFwriter

' print document, then go back to the original printer     ActiveDocument.PrintOut     Application.ActivePrinter = sCurrentPrinter

' continue with the rest of your macro

End Sub



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