Paul试图使用Word VBA返回插入点所在的脚注的脚注编号。就他而言,脚注可能包含多个段落。保罗想知道是否有一种方法可以在VBA中确定此脚注编号。


Sub GetFootnoteNumber()

Dim f As Footnote     Dim sTemp As String

sTemp = "The insertion point is not in a footnote"

For Each f In ActiveDocument.Footnotes         If Selection.InRange(f.Range) Then             sTemp = "The insertion point is in footnote " & f.Index         End If     Next     MsgBox sTemp End Sub



Sub GetFootnoteNum()

Dim J As Integer     Dim sTemp As String

sTemp = "The insertion point is not in a footnote"

If Selection.Information(wdInFootnote) Then         J = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Footnotes(1).Index         sTemp = "The insertion point is in footnote " & J     End If     MsgBox sTemp End Sub


Sub GetFootnoteInfo()

Dim f As Footnote     Dim sTemp As String          sTemp = "The insertion point is not in a footnote"

If Selection.Information(wdInFootnote) Then         Set f = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.Footnotes(1)

sTemp = "Footnote number: " & f.Index & vbCr         With f.Range.FootnoteOptions             sTemp = sTemp & "Numbering Rule: " & .NumberingRule & vbCr & _               "Numbering Style: " & .NumberStyle & vbCr & _               "Starting Number: " & .StartingNumber         End With     End If     MsgBox sTemp End Sub



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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(5906)适用于Microsoft Word 2007、2010、2013、2016、2019和Office 365中的Word。