
当您在打开连续行号的情况下打印文档时,Word将从开始到结束逐行编号。但是,如果仅打印选区(进行选择,显示“打印”对话框,并确保将“选区”指定为要打印的内容),则Word无法正确打印行号。 Word将所选内容中的行编号为整个文档,从一个开始,一直进行到所选内容。有人认为,一种更好的方法是让Word根据所选内容在文档中真正代表的内容打印行号。例如,如果您选择第57至72行作为选择并进行打印,则Word应该在打印输出的左侧而不是1至15上打印数字57至72。

不幸的是,没有简单的方法可以解决此问题。一种解决方法是不打印选择。 (此建议听起来可能比实际的要轻率得多。)而是打印页面。在“打印”对话框中,指定要打印的页面范围,而不是选择范围。 Word保持行号正确,就好像您是从文档开头开始进行编号一样。

另一种选择是依靠宏为您完成“肮脏的工作”。您可以使用宏来重置用于选择的起始行号。以下是一个简单的宏,它要求您提供起始行号,然后使用该行号作为左侧打印的第一个数字来打印您的选择。 (请注意,此宏不会以您指定的行号开始打印,而是使用您指定的数字作为所选内容的起始行号。)

Sub LineNumbersPrint()

Dim LineNumberStart As Integer     On Error GoTo GetOut

LineNumberStart = InputBox("First line number for printout?", _       "Line Numbers Printout")

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup         With .LineNumbering             .Active = True             .StartingNumber = LineNumberStart         End With     End With

ActiveDocument.PrintOut , Range:=wdPrintSelection

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup         With .LineNumbering             .Active = True             .StartingNumber = 1         End With     End With


End Sub


Sub Correct_Line_Numbers()

Dim myRng As Range     Dim StartRng As Range     Dim iCount As Integer

'if you include the paragraph mark in your selection, then Word 'prints the subsequent line number; not the entire line, just the 'line number; therefore, if the last character of the current 'selection is a paragraph mark, then move the end position of 'the selection to the left by one character     If Selection.Characters.Last = Chr(13) Then         Selection.MoveEnd Count:=-1     End If

'set the current selection to a variable     Set myRng = Selection.Range

'set the start of the document to a variable     Set StartRng = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range

With Selection         'go to the beginning of the line for the current selection and         'set the iCount variable so that it counts the current line         .HomeKey unit:=wdLine         iCount = 1

'if the cursor is not at the beginning of the document         'then move the cursor up by one line         'increment iCount by one each time the cursor is not at         'the beginning of the document         While Not Selection.InRange(StartRng)

.MoveUp unit:=wdLine             iCount = iCount + 1             'if the cursor is in a table, then the macro should             'reduce iCount; Word counts an entire table as one line             If Selection.Rows.Count > 0 Then                 iCount = iCount - 1             End If         Wend     End With

'reset the starting line number so that it equals the     'number of times the cursor was moved up by a line     ActiveDocument.PageSetup.LineNumbering.StartingNumber = iCount

'reselect the original selection     myRng.Select

'print out only the original selection     ActiveDocument.PrintOut Range:=wdPrintSelection

'reset the line number(by "undoing" the last two actions     '[fields update and change line number])

'so that line numbering begins at one     ActiveDocument.Undo     ActiveDocument.Undo

'reselect the original selection     myRng.Select End Sub




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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(852​​0)适用于Microsoft Word 2007、2010和2013。您可以在此处找到适用于Word的较早菜单界面的本技巧的版本:

链接:/ word-Correct_Line_Numbers_When_Printing_Selections [打印选择时更正行号]。