您可能需要按常规比例缩放文档中的图形。使用功能区工具进行缩放可能会很麻烦,因此您可能想使用可以分配给“ link:/ wordribbon-Adding_Tools_to_the_Quick_Access_Toolbar [快速访问工具栏]”按钮或快捷键的宏进行缩放。以下宏将很好地进行缩放:

Sub PictSize()

Dim PercentSize As Integer

PercentSize = InputBox("Enter percent of full size", _       "Resize Picture", 75)

If Selection.InlineShapes.Count > 0 Then         Selection.InlineShapes(1).ScaleHeight = PercentSize         Selection.InlineShapes(1).ScaleWidth = PercentSize     Else         Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _           RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoCTrue         Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _           RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoCTrue     End If End Sub



Sub AllPictSize()

Dim PercentSize As Integer     Dim oIshp As InlineShape     Dim oshp As Shape

PercentSize = InputBox("Enter percent of full size", _       "Resize Picture", 75)

For Each oIshp In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes         With oIshp             .ScaleHeight = PercentSize             .ScaleWidth = PercentSize         End With     Next oIshp

For Each oshp In ActiveDocument.Shapes         With oshp             .ScaleHeight Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _               RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoCTrue             .ScaleWidth Factor:=(PercentSize / 100), _               RelativeToOriginalSize:=msoCTrue         End With     Next oshp End Sub



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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(7069)适用于Microsoft Word 2007、2010、2013、2016、2019和Office 365中的Word。 Word的旧菜单界面在这里: