了解DATE字段格式(Microsoft Word)
在Word中插入DATE字段时,可以通过使用\ @开关和该字段来指定日期显示格式。例如,如果要将日期显示为2020年9月18日,则可以对DATE字段使用以下语法:
{ DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" }
Format Code |
Meaning |
M |
Displays one or two digits for the month, as necessary. |
MM |
Always displays two digits for the month. |
The three-letter abbreviation for the month. |
The full name of the month. |
d |
Displays one or two digits for the day of the month, as necessary. |
dd |
Always displays two digits for the day of the month. |
ddd |
The three-letter abbreviation for the day of the week. |
dddd |
The full name of the day of the week. |
yy |
Always displays two digits for the year. |
yyyy |
Always displays four digits for the year. |
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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(9260)适用于Microsoft Word 2007、2010、2013、2016、2019和Office 365中的Word。 Word的旧菜单界面在这里: