

Sub MySerial()

Dim rngSerialLocation As Range     Dim intSerialNum As Integer     Dim strSerialNum As String     Dim docCurrent As Document     Dim intNumCopies As Integer     Dim intCount As Integer

' set ref to current active doc     Set docCurrent = Application.ActiveDocument     ' set ref to the bookmarked serial number     Set rngSerialLocation = docCurrent.Bookmarks("Serial").Range

' get the starting number     intSerialNum = Val(rngSerialLocation.Text)

' get the number of copies required     intNumCopies = Val(InputBox$("How many Copies?", _       "Print Serialized", "1"))

For intCount = 1 To intNumCopies         ' print the document         docCurrent.PrintOut Range:=wdPrintAllDocument         ' increment the serial number         intSerialNum = intSerialNum + 1         ' put into formatted version         strSerialNum = Format(intSerialNum, "00000")

' stuff into proper place         rngSerialLocation.Text = strSerialNum     Next intCount

' reset the bookmark, since the updating procedure     ' wipes out the old one     docCurrent.Bookmarks.Add Name:="Serial", _       Range:=rngSerialLocation End Sub

使用宏只有一个先决条件:您需要确保文档包含名为Serial的书签。该书签应引用文档中的序列号,以使它出现在第一个打印的文档中。 (当您运行宏时,可以保存该文档,序列号将在下一次使用时准备好。)

该宏还假定您的序列号主要由随每次迭代而变化的某个数字值组成。您可以在宏的For …​ Next循环中修改序列号的增量及其格式。



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(Microsoft Word是世界上最流行的文字处理软件。)本技巧(9540)适用于Microsoft Word 2007、2010、2013、2016、2019和Office 365中的Word。 Word的旧菜单界面在这里: