Wenn Sie viele Daten aus einer geschlossenen Arbeitsmappe importieren möchten, können Sie dies mit ADO und dem folgenden Makro tun.

Wenn Sie Daten aus einem anderen Arbeitsblatt als dem ersten Arbeitsblatt in der geschlossenen Arbeitsmappe abrufen möchten, müssen Sie auf einen benutzerdefinierten benannten Bereich verweisen. Das folgende Makro kann folgendermaßen verwendet werden (in Excel 2000 oder höher):

GetDataFromClosedWorkbook "C:\FolderName\WorkbookName.xls", "A1:B21", ActiveCell, False

GetDataFromClosedWorkbook "C:\FolderName\WorkbookName.xls", "MyDataRange", Range ("B3"), True

Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook(SourceFile As String, SourceRange As String, _

TargetRange As Range, IncludeFieldNames As Boolean)

' requires a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects library

' if SourceRange is a range reference:

'   this will return data from the first worksheet in SourceFile

' if SourceRange is a defined name reference:

'   this will return data from any worksheet in SourceFile

' SourceRange must include the range headers


Dim dbConnection As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset

Dim dbConnectionString As String

Dim TargetCell As Range, i As Integer

dbConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & _

"ReadOnly=1;DBQ=" & SourceFile

Set dbConnection = New ADODB.Connection

On Error GoTo InvalidInput

dbConnection.Open dbConnectionString ' open the database connection

Set rs = dbConnection.Execute("[" & SourceRange & "]")

Set TargetCell = TargetRange.Cells(1, 1)

If IncludeFieldNames Then

For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1

TargetCell.Offset(0, i).Formula = rs.Fields(i).Name

Next i

Set TargetCell = TargetCell.Offset(1, 0)

End If

TargetCell.CopyFromRecordset rs


dbConnection.Close ' close the database connection

Set TargetCell = Nothing

Set rs = Nothing

Set dbConnection = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub


MsgBox "The source file or source range is invalid!", _

vbExclamation, "Get data from closed workbook"

End Sub

Eine andere Methode, die die CopyFromRecordSet-Methode nicht verwendet Mit dem folgenden Makro können Sie den Import durchführen und die vom RecordSet zurückgegebenen Ergebnisse besser steuern.

Sub TestReadDataFromWorkbook()

' fills data from a closed workbook in at the active cell

Dim tArray As Variant, r As Long, c As Long

tArray = ReadDataFromWorkbook("C:\FolderName\SourceWbName.xls", "A1:B21")

' without transposing

'    For r = LBound(tArray, 2) To UBound(tArray, 2)

'        For c = LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1)

'            ActiveCell.Offset(r, c).Formula = tArray(c, r)

'        Next c

'    Next r

' with transposing

tArray = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(tArray)

For r = LBound(tArray, 1) To UBound(tArray, 1)

For c = LBound(tArray, 2) To UBound(tArray, 2)

ActiveCell.Offset(r - 1, c - 1).Formula = tArray(r, c)

Next c

Next r

End Sub

Private Function ReadDataFromWorkbook(SourceFile As String, SourceRange As String) As Variant

' requires a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects library

' if SourceRange is a range reference:

'   this function can only return data from the first worksheet in SourceFile

' if SourceRange is a defined name reference:

'   this function can return data from any worksheet in SourceFile

' SourceRange must include the range headers

' examples:

' varRecordSetData = ReadDataFromWorkbook("C:\FolderName\SourceWbName.xls", "A1:A21")

' varRecordSetData = ReadDataFromWorkbook("C:\FolderName\SourceWbName.xls", "A1:B21")

' varRecordSetData = ReadDataFromWorkbook("C:\FolderName\SourceWbName.xls", "DefinedRangeName")

Dim dbConnection As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset

Dim dbConnectionString As String

dbConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};ReadOnly=1;DBQ=" & SourceFile

Set dbConnection = New ADODB.Connection

On Error GoTo InvalidInput

dbConnection.Open dbConnectionString ' open the database connection

Set rs = dbConnection.Execute("[" & SourceRange & "]")

On Error GoTo 0

ReadDataFromWorkbook = rs.GetRows ' returns a two dim array with all records in rs


dbConnection.Close ' close the database connection

Set rs = Nothing

Set dbConnection = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0

Exit Function


MsgBox "The source file or source range is invalid!", vbExclamation, "Get data from closed workbook"

Set rs = Nothing

Set dbConnection = Nothing

End Function

Im Makrobeispiel wird davon ausgegangen, dass Ihr VBA-Projekt einen Verweis auf die ADO-Objektbibliothek hinzugefügt hat.

Sie können dies in der VBE tun, indem Sie das Menü Extras, Verweise und Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Object Library auswählen.

Verwenden Sie ADO, wenn Sie für den Datenimport oder -export zwischen ADO und DAO wählen können.