Puede agregar código a un módulo sin usar un archivo de texto separado que contenga el código.

La macro siguiente muestra cómo se puede hacer esto. La macro debe personalizarse para contener el código que desea agregar:

Sub InsertProcedureCode(ByVal wb As Workbook, ByVal InsertToModuleName As String)

' inserts new code in module named InsertModuleName in wb

' needs customizing depending on the code to insert

Dim VBCM As CodeModule

Dim InsertLineIndex As Long

On Error Resume Next

Set VBCM = wb.VBProject.VBComponents(InsertToModuleName).CodeModule

If Not VBCM Is Nothing Then


InsertLineIndex = .CountOfLines + 1

' customize the next lines depending on the code you want to insert

.InsertLines InsertLineIndex, "Sub NewSubName()" & Chr(13)

InsertLineIndex = InsertLineIndex + 1

.InsertLines InsertLineIndex, _

"    Msgbox ""Hello World!"",vbInformation,""Message Box Title""" & Chr(13)

InsertLineIndex = InsertLineIndex + 1

.InsertLines InsertLineIndex, "End Sub" & Chr(13)

' no need for more customizing

End With

Set VBCM = Nothing

End If

On Error GoTo 0

End Sub


InsertProcedureCode Workbooks("WorkBookName.xls"), "Module1"