Alertes sur l’approche des dates d’échéance (Microsoft Excel)
Jonathan a développé une feuille de travail qui fait le suivi des dates d’échéance pour divers documents ministériels. Il se demandait s’il y avait un moyen pour Excel de l’alerter d’une manière ou d’une autre si la date d’échéance d’un document particulier approchait.
Il existe plusieurs façons de le faire dans Excel, et vous devez choisir la méthode la mieux adaptée à vos besoins. La première méthode consiste simplement à ajouter une colonne à votre feuille de calcul qui sera utilisée pour l’alerte.
En supposant que votre date d’échéance est dans la colonne F, vous pouvez placer le type de formule suivant dans la colonne G:
=IF(F3<(TODAY()+7)," The formula checks to see if the date in cell F3 is earlier than a week from today. If so, then the formula displays "< Another approach is to use the conditional formatting capabilities of Excel. Follow these steps: Select the cells that contain the document due dates. Make sure the Home tab of the ribbon is displayed. Click the Conditional Formatting option in the Styles group. On the resulting submenu, click Manage Rules. Excel displays the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box. (See Figure 1.) Figure 1. The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box. Click the New Rule button. Excel displays the New Formatting Rule dialog box. In the Select a Rule Type list, choose Format Only Cells That Contain. (See Figure 2.) Figure 2. The New Formatting Rule dialog box. Make sure the first drop-down list in the Edit the Rule Description area is "Cell Value." (This should be the default.) Make sure the second drop-down list is "Less Than." In the formula area, enter "=TODAY()" (without the quote marks). Click the Format button. Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box. Using the Color drop-down list, choose the color red. Click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box. Click OK. The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box reappears with your newly defined condition in it. Click the New Rule button. Excel displays the New Formatting Rule dialog box. In the Select a Rule Type List, choose Format Only Cells That Contain. Make sure the first drop-down list in the Edit the Rule Description area is "Cell Value." (This should be the default.) Make sure the second drop-down list is "Less Than." In the formula area, enter "=TODAY()+7" (without the quote marks). Click the Format button. Excel displays the Format Cells dialog box. Using the Color drop-down list, choose the color blue. Click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box. Click OK. The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box reappears with your newly defined condition in it. (The newly defined condition should actually be selected in the list of conditions.) Click the Move Down arrow. This moves the last condition you defined (steps 13 through 21) so it is in the proper order. Click OK to close the Conditional Formatting dialog box. This is a two-tiered format, and you end up with two levels of alert. If the due date is already past, then it shows up as red. If the due date is today or within the next seven days, then it shows up in blue.
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Cette astuce (9327) s’applique à Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 et Excel dans Office 365. Vous pouvez trouver une version de cette astuce pour l’ancienne interface de menu d’Excel ici:
link: / excel-Alerts_About_Approaching_Due_Dates [Alertes sur l’approche des dates d’échéance]