Riproduzione MIDI file utilizzando VBA in Microsoft Excel
I file audio in formato MIDI sono spesso lunghi, quindi potrebbe essere necessario interrompere la riproduzione del suono (ad es. Quando la macro è terminata). Ecco un esempio:
Private Declare Function mciExecute Lib "winmm.dll" _ (ByVal lpstrCommand As String) As Long Sub PlayMidiFile(MidiFileName As String, Play As Boolean) If Dir(MidiFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub ' no file to play If Play Then mciExecute "play " & MidiFileName ' start playing Else mciExecute "stop " & MidiFileName ' stop playing End If End Sub Sub TestPlayMidiFile() PlayMidiFile "c:\foldername\soundfilename.mid", True MsgBox "Click OK when the MIDI file starts playing..." MsgBox "Click OK to stop playing the MIDI file..." PlayMidiFile "c:\foldername\soundfilename.mid", False End Sub