


03/10/2003      |   AAA

03/15/2003      |   BBB

03/20/2003      |   CCC

03/25/2003      |   AAA

03/30/2003      |   BBB

04/04/2003      |   CCC

03/25/2003      |   AAA

03/30/2003      |   BBB

04/04/2003      |   CCC

03/25/2003      |   AAA

03/30/2003      |   BBB

04/04/2003      |   CCC


Count how many times the text "AAA" appears next to 03/25/2003?

Answer: 3 times.

Date in cell D1:    03/25/2003

Text in cell D2:    AAA

The Formula:    =SUMPRODUCT ((A1:A12=D1)*(B1:B12=D2))

スクリーンショット// MicrosoftExcelの隣接する列にテキストが表示される特定の日付の回数をカウントする//images/screenshots/604.jpg [image:https://www.office-skill.site/images/g [カウントする特定の日付のテキストがMicrosoftExcelの隣接する列に表示される回数]] image:https://www.office-skill.site/images/f [image、width = 20、height = 1]