簡単に言えば、長いデータシートで作業している間。複数の基準を持つ時間値の合計を見つける必要がある場合があります。 SUMIFS関数式は、複数の条件を満たす必要がある配列のSUMを見つけます。そこで、複数の条件を満たすために、SUMIFS関数から式を作成しました。
= SUMIFS ( Sum_range , range1 , "value1" , range2, ">value2", ….)
= SUMIFS ( time , date , ">=" & A2 , date , "time ( C2:C15 ) : Sum_range where values gets sum ID ( B2:B15 ) : range where criteria is applied. date , ">=" & A2 : Dates after the January 1st, 2019. date , "<" & A2+7 : Dates before the January 7th, 2019. Explanation for the formula: Here the SUMIFS function satisfies all the conditions mentioned. The function returns the SUM of the time values only which satisfies all the criteria in the formula. Here the arguments to the function is given as cell references and named ranges. The yellow marked boxes indicates the named ranges used. As you can see the formula returns 0:25 , the Total time spent by Emp_001. Now to calculate the time spent by Emp_002. We will use the formula: = SUMIFS ( time , date , ">=" & A2 , date , " As you can see the formula returns 0:45 , the Total time spent by Emp_002. Here are some observational notes when using the formula. Notes: The SUMIFS function supports logical operators like <, >, <>, = but these are used using double quote sign ( " ) . The SUMIFS function also supports Wildcards ( * , ? ) which helps in extracting values having phrases. Non - numeric values must be provided in double quotes ("value"). The function returns the sum of the values satisfying all the conditions. Hope you understood how to Find the SUM time values having multiple criteria in Excel. Explore more articles on Excel SUMIFS function here. Please feel free to state your query or feedback for the above article. Related Articles 3 SUMIF with Or Formulas : multiple use of SUMIF function with a logic OR function in excel. How to Use SUMIFS Function in Excel : Use of SUMIFS function explained with example in excel. SUMIFS using AND-OR logic : Use of SUMIFS function with 2 logic OR & AND function in excel. SUMIF with non-blank cells : Use of SUMIF function to catch blank cells in Excel. SUMIFS with dates in Excel : Use of SUMIFS function with dates as criteria in Excel. Popular Articles Edit a dropdown list If with conditional formatting If with wildcards Vlookup by date
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