一覧には、Microsoft ExcelでVBAを使用して、設定された期間に数ヶ月の日数を追加し、
月と月の日数を一覧表示する「DaysInPeriod」マクロを作成しました。 「送信」ボタンをクリックするとマクロを実行できます。
Option Explicit Sub DaysInPeriod() Dim StartDate, EndDate As Date Dim intRow As Integer, intDays As Integer 'Clearing previous content Range("F10:G1048576").ClearContents 'Getting start and end date StartDate = Range("G6") EndDate = Range("G7") 'Initializing the variable to starting row number intRow = 10 'Listing the months and number of days from starting date to end date Do intDays = intDays + 1 'Checking for last date of the month or when StartDate is equal to EndDate If (Month(StartDate) <> Month(StartDate + 1)) Or StartDate = EndDate Then 'Inserting the month name Cells(intRow, 6) = Format(StartDate, "mmmm") 'Inserting number of days in the month Cells(intRow, 7) = intDays 'Moving to next row intRow = intRow + 1 intDays = 0 End If 'Moving to next date StartDate = StartDate + 1 Loop Until StartDate > EndDate 'Getting the sum in the last row Cells(intRow, 6) = "Total Days" Cells(intRow, 7) = Application.Sum(Range("G10:G" & intRow)) End Sub
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